I know my life isn't perfect, and I've never claimed it was. But I know I have been very blessed by the powers that be (whatever they are), and I know I need to cherish what I have. Why is that so hard for others to understand???
I am not happy with every aspect of my life. But it's taken me a long time to learn that spending all your time in negativity and depression will do nothing but drag you down in every way, and after a while I don't think most people can pull themselves back up enough to ever get out of it. Unfortunately I've seen way too many examples of this in my life. People falling down, down, and never again coming back up. They can somehow never again see the sun, or see all that is wonderful in their life. All my life I was afraid that I'd be that way too; but now suddenly it's clear to me that while I have spent so much time and energy learning not to do this, so many others in my life still keep falling, still keep becoming more and more depressed, still keep trying to drag others down with them.
I'm tired of being accused of being fake because I choose to look at things differently. I pride myself on the fact that there are a few people in my life who really get me, who understand that while I may have a gut reaction to something immediately, I do not react immediately. I think. Admittedly, sometimes I have had to force myself to pause and examine something from another point of view, but it's always been worth it. Because you always have options. You can always choose to see something in a different light. You can always choose to understand another point of view, even if you don't agree with it. You can always choose to see the sunshine at the end of whatever dark tunnel you're facing.
People (with rare exceptions) as a whole are not bad. So stop and think the next time you disagree with someone. When you have a extremely negative thought. When you feel so down that you can't stop crying. Think about a kind thing that person has done for you in the past. Think again about how warm and loved you felt inside when something good happened to you, instead of dwelling on how you feel right now. Focus on it, try to capture every part of that feeling.
I'm not saying to search for the positive in all things exactly, but each time you feel this way just remember what you have, look towards that, because you are not this ball of hatred that you feel like right now. You have so much, you can be so much, so don't become so negative and filled with hatred that you wither away to nothing and because mean and bitter.
That's not being fake, that's being fair. That's being fair to life. To yourself, your children, your friends and family, even to God or whatever you believe in. That's giving appreciation to all those who have loved you, for all those who have ever believed in you or done something thoughtful for you. That's showing God that you know you are blessed and you are going to try your damnedest to live up to those things you have and prove to yourself and the world that you are worth it.
Why is that so hard for people to grasp? Why do some people seemingly want to dwell in their shit, think about their shit, and then complain when their life stinks like shit?