Becoming Me.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
You think your life is shitty? Well read this.
I am not happy with every aspect of my life. But it's taken me a long time to learn that spending all your time in negativity and depression will do nothing but drag you down in every way, and after a while I don't think most people can pull themselves back up enough to ever get out of it. Unfortunately I've seen way too many examples of this in my life. People falling down, down, and never again coming back up. They can somehow never again see the sun, or see all that is wonderful in their life. All my life I was afraid that I'd be that way too; but now suddenly it's clear to me that while I have spent so much time and energy learning not to do this, so many others in my life still keep falling, still keep becoming more and more depressed, still keep trying to drag others down with them.
I'm tired of being accused of being fake because I choose to look at things differently. I pride myself on the fact that there are a few people in my life who really get me, who understand that while I may have a gut reaction to something immediately, I do not react immediately. I think. Admittedly, sometimes I have had to force myself to pause and examine something from another point of view, but it's always been worth it. Because you always have options. You can always choose to see something in a different light. You can always choose to understand another point of view, even if you don't agree with it. You can always choose to see the sunshine at the end of whatever dark tunnel you're facing.
People (with rare exceptions) as a whole are not bad. So stop and think the next time you disagree with someone. When you have a extremely negative thought. When you feel so down that you can't stop crying. Think about a kind thing that person has done for you in the past. Think again about how warm and loved you felt inside when something good happened to you, instead of dwelling on how you feel right now. Focus on it, try to capture every part of that feeling.
I'm not saying to search for the positive in all things exactly, but each time you feel this way just remember what you have, look towards that, because you are not this ball of hatred that you feel like right now. You have so much, you can be so much, so don't become so negative and filled with hatred that you wither away to nothing and because mean and bitter.
That's not being fake, that's being fair. That's being fair to life. To yourself, your children, your friends and family, even to God or whatever you believe in. That's giving appreciation to all those who have loved you, for all those who have ever believed in you or done something thoughtful for you. That's showing God that you know you are blessed and you are going to try your damnedest to live up to those things you have and prove to yourself and the world that you are worth it.
Why is that so hard for people to grasp? Why do some people seemingly want to dwell in their shit, think about their shit, and then complain when their life stinks like shit?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Yes, I am still around...
But alas, I am back! I'm in the process of giving my blog a make-over, and I promise to grace the internet with my presence once again...
Until next time!
Friday, June 5, 2009
MapQuest sucks.
(Note: I said should have.)
First off, MapQuest wanted us to go the most difficult way possible to get part-way there. All we needed to do was to take the nearby highway south a couple miles. But they had us driving all over hell and high water. Once we get about half there, MapQuest wanted us to turn onto a road that actually does not meet up with the other road we were on. After an hour and a half of driving all over the entire city, on both sides of the state line, multiple phone calls to people getting directions and street names, stopping two people on the side of the road, and using up a quarter tank of gas, we finally made it.
By the time we get there, we only had time for 1 quick glass of wine just as the speeches started, and we got just the last few bites of food that were left. We were there just over an hour. We actually spent less time there than it took us to find the damned place.
The ironic part is that once we left the country club, we drove by the corner where we had originally stopped to ask a mail lady for directions. We were maybe a mile away. *ARGHH!*
The only upside to this story is... I now have a new saying.
"I wasn't lost, I actually knew right where I was. It just took me a while to get where I was trying to go from where I was."
So, I am no longer using MapQuest. They suck.
Night-Night Time!

And this is from her baby-sitter. Reportedly, Danica came in from playing outside and practically collapsed, asleep before she hit the pillow. With her shoes on.
This is how I found her sleeping one morning...
Now those might not seem too strange... but let's take another look...
This is Danica asleep at a ballgame. It was School Day at the 'K'. The game was sold out, and was full of screaming children. Not to mention it was 90 degrees out, the sun was rediculously bright, and we were in the front row behind the dugout. So needless to say it was not the most comfortable place to nap. Did that stop her?

And most recently... my baby-sitter sent this to me. (I just love that Candice can email me pictures and updates while I'm at work!)

Admittedly, I too can also sleep just about anywhere. I used to joke that I could lay down right now where ever I was and be able to conk out. (And as tired as I feel lately I bet I still could!) As much as Danica looks and acts like her daddy, I guess we've finally found the one thing that she got from me.
Isn't it strange how genetics work?
Monday, March 23, 2009
10 things to do before becoming a parent...
Recently I came across this blog...
and I somehow felt so understood. ;)
Read on parents, I'm curious to know what each of you miss about your pre-child days...
Mine would have to be.... (in no particular order)
- Go to the bathroom in private. (This does not count if you have to lock the door and listen to your toddler pound on the other side while she screams, "Momma potty! Momma potty!", hysterical because she thinks she's missing out of the excitement of the flushing toilet.)
- Running somewhere really quick just to pick up one item. (While bringing only your ID and check card.) Ha. My purse always has diapers, wipes, and animal crackers, and running anywhere 'real quick' also includes putting her shoes on, trying to keep her from pulling them off while we drive the 0.2 miles to the store, putting them back on when we get there, etc.)
- Not having to get up on a weekend morning. Not the all-day sleeping, but just getting up at my own pace, and because I wake up, not because someone is crying, screaming, or hollerin' at me from her bedroom.
- Be able to get drunk. I might have a couple drinks some nights, but never like I used to. (lol, I guess I was a bit of a party animal.) In no way do I want to be like that again, but I'd like to be able to drink and maybe get drunk, but not having to worry about being able to take care of my kiddo first thing in the morning. I would just like the option.
- Listen to whatever you want on the radio. I hate having to change the station in the middle of a song because I've just remembered the lyrics while singing along. (Unfortunately Nine Inch Nails and Nickelback are not so child friendly.)
- Go shopping for me! Now don't get me wrong, I love buying my daughter clothes and whatever else she needs (and of course some of what she wants. ;) ), but whatever happened to buying things for myself??? I actually went shopping this weekend, bought my daughter a bunch of clothes, my husband a few items, and a couple little decor items we'd been considering. No clothes for me!!
- Let my husband smack my ass. I know this may sound weird... but I swear, it's not kinky. ;) Something he's always done is smack my bottom, just randomly, though out our day. I could be making dinner, or just walking by him. It's just like our little way of smiling at each other and saying 'Hi'. Unfortunately I had to ask him to stop when Danica is around, because she thought it was funny and started doing it to me also. Somehow it is not nearly as cute and endearing when she does it.
- Come in early to work, or stay late. Not that I'm a work-a-holic, but I'd like to be able to stay 30 minutes late and finish up some project, and not have to worry about picking someone up, making dinner, and getting that same someone to bed by 7:30. *sigh*
- Finsh a project. I am extremely project-oriented. I'm always in the middle of at least half a dozen things. And I'd be able to get through them much quicker (and with much less frustration from my ever-loving husband), if I didn't have little hands in my paint, or crying because her hands are icky (read: she touched the paint), or because she just doesn't know that she should sit like a little angel, unmoving, untouching, and put up with whatever it is that I'm doing that day. (What, you mean kids don't do that??)
- Do the horizontal mambo with my husband at any time of the day, and not have to time our romance during naps or after she's gone to bed for the night. Oh, and not having to lock (or even close) the door while we do it!
In all honesty, I love my daughter more than I ever thought possible. Seriously, who in their right mind can resist this adorable spaghetti slurping mess?
And this face looking back at me in the rear-view mirror is priceless... she just melts my heart. :)
And in all honestly, I don't really even mind her 'helping' me fold the clean laundry, because this is how it ends up.
I wouldn't trade this beautiful little girl for anything, nor would I ever wish we hadn't had her.
However, there is something to be said for peeing in private...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Just the two of us...
What are your middle names?
Mine: Michelle
His: Garrett
How long have you been together?
Together almost constantly since 1/29/98
Dating (almost constantly) since 6/29/98
Married 5/29/04
(Yes, I know, I have a memory thing with dates.)
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
5 months (see above)
Who asked who out?
I think it was mutual... we both just knew we wanted to be together. ;) (Yes, I know that sounds cheesey.)
Who said I love you first?
How old are each of you?
I am 25, he's 27
Who's siblings do/did you see the most?
His, because they all live around here.
Do you have any children together?
One, Danica Teralyn
What about pets?
At the moment, two dogs, Merlin and Tobin
Did you go to the same schools?
Are you from the same hometown?
Kinda... we both call the KC area home
Who is the smartest?
It totally depends on the subject.
Who is the most sensitive?
If you know us, that's a stupid question. (Me, of course.)
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Um... does Sonic count? We really don't eat out much.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
To Texas. (Sadly, both times were for a funeral.)
Who has the craziest ex?
Me, although I have other choice words than crazy in mind...
Who has the worst temper?
Him, without a doubt.
Who does the cooking?
For dinner most nights, he does. :) I love my hubby.
Who is the most social?
Me usually.
Who is the neat-freak?
Haha, we both are.
Who is the most stubborn?
We both are, but I think he's got me beat by a mile.
Who wakes up earlier?
Where was your first date?
I guess it was to the movies. Or just driving around town talking.
Who has the bigger family?
We both have pretty big families... but his immediate family is bigger, mine is mainly extended.
Do you get flowers often?
Only if I buy them for myself.
Who do you spend the holidays with?
Everyone from both families usually.
Who is more jealous?
That would be me again.
Who sings better?
LoL... Me. And that's not saying much.
Who does/did the laundry?
Moi again. Some people don't every remember which clothes cannot go in the dryer on high.
Who’s better with the computer?
Me... but he's improving a lot.
Who drives when you are together?
Usually me, unless I'm the DD.
Who picks where you go to dinner?
We usually agree
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
Me (like I said, he's much more stubborn.)
Who named your pet?
I actually named both of our dogs.
Who wears the pants in the relationship?
We both do. (Does that mean we both wear skorts?)
Who has more tattoos?
Neither of us have one.
Who eats more sweets?
Who cries more?
Me again.
Purple Rain?
Every Tuesday and Thursday night I participate in a Lift class at my local community center. I love it, I get excersize, to look and feel better, to get out of the house, and to be around adults other than co-workers. (No offense to said co-workers, but you know what I mean!) Last night as I was setting up my equipment for class, one of the other women said, "Come here, one of the sprinklers went off in the gym!". (Apparently someone hit the sprinkler head with a basketball.) I figured, hey, it's a sprinkler, no big deal, right? So I didn't hurry, I finished what I was doing, and then I wandered out to look down into the gym. I was a little shocked.

I assumed that a sprinkler would spray water, right? (I should have known better than to assume... the saying holds true to me every time!) Clean, clear water. Well, this crap was like black oil, or liquified rubber tires. (It stank just like burnt tires too BTW.) Of course I had to snap a picture to preserve this memory.