Recently I came across this blog...
and I somehow felt so understood. ;)
Read on parents, I'm curious to know what each of you miss about your pre-child days...
Mine would have to be.... (in no particular order)
- Go to the bathroom in private. (This does not count if you have to lock the door and listen to your toddler pound on the other side while she screams, "Momma potty! Momma potty!", hysterical because she thinks she's missing out of the excitement of the flushing toilet.)
- Running somewhere really quick just to pick up one item. (While bringing only your ID and check card.) Ha. My purse always has diapers, wipes, and animal crackers, and running anywhere 'real quick' also includes putting her shoes on, trying to keep her from pulling them off while we drive the 0.2 miles to the store, putting them back on when we get there, etc.)
- Not having to get up on a weekend morning. Not the all-day sleeping, but just getting up at my own pace, and because I wake up, not because someone is crying, screaming, or hollerin' at me from her bedroom.
- Be able to get drunk. I might have a couple drinks some nights, but never like I used to. (lol, I guess I was a bit of a party animal.) In no way do I want to be like that again, but I'd like to be able to drink and maybe get drunk, but not having to worry about being able to take care of my kiddo first thing in the morning. I would just like the option.
- Listen to whatever you want on the radio. I hate having to change the station in the middle of a song because I've just remembered the lyrics while singing along. (Unfortunately Nine Inch Nails and Nickelback are not so child friendly.)
- Go shopping for me! Now don't get me wrong, I love buying my daughter clothes and whatever else she needs (and of course some of what she wants. ;) ), but whatever happened to buying things for myself??? I actually went shopping this weekend, bought my daughter a bunch of clothes, my husband a few items, and a couple little decor items we'd been considering. No clothes for me!!
- Let my husband smack my ass. I know this may sound weird... but I swear, it's not kinky. ;) Something he's always done is smack my bottom, just randomly, though out our day. I could be making dinner, or just walking by him. It's just like our little way of smiling at each other and saying 'Hi'. Unfortunately I had to ask him to stop when Danica is around, because she thought it was funny and started doing it to me also. Somehow it is not nearly as cute and endearing when she does it.
- Come in early to work, or stay late. Not that I'm a work-a-holic, but I'd like to be able to stay 30 minutes late and finish up some project, and not have to worry about picking someone up, making dinner, and getting that same someone to bed by 7:30. *sigh*
- Finsh a project. I am extremely project-oriented. I'm always in the middle of at least half a dozen things. And I'd be able to get through them much quicker (and with much less frustration from my ever-loving husband), if I didn't have little hands in my paint, or crying because her hands are icky (read: she touched the paint), or because she just doesn't know that she should sit like a little angel, unmoving, untouching, and put up with whatever it is that I'm doing that day. (What, you mean kids don't do that??)
- Do the horizontal mambo with my husband at any time of the day, and not have to time our romance during naps or after she's gone to bed for the night. Oh, and not having to lock (or even close) the door while we do it!
In all honesty, I love my daughter more than I ever thought possible. Seriously, who in their right mind can resist this adorable spaghetti slurping mess?
And this face looking back at me in the rear-view mirror is priceless... she just melts my heart. :)
And in all honestly, I don't really even mind her 'helping' me fold the clean laundry, because this is how it ends up.
I wouldn't trade this beautiful little girl for anything, nor would I ever wish we hadn't had her.
However, there is something to be said for peeing in private...
We have missed you. If 1.7 people read your blog, I must be about .4 and I'm okay with that. Haha.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute face to see in the rearview mirror!
Interesting thoughts. And thanks for the warning?... although I don't even do some of those things now, you know. ;)
Thanks Sarah, for being my .4! :) And what do you mean, you and Ryan don't walk around smacking each other's butts? ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha, that did sound a little funny and odd...until I realized I did that to Ryan the other day. I totaly understand how it's not kinky more like a 'Hi, love ya!".
ReplyDeleteI was actually thinking drunkeness and Nine Inch Nails.
Ah, well, every once in a while it might be good for ya. (j/k) ;) (And honestly I don't really make a habit of listening to Nine Inch Nails, but I don't always turn it off when they come on.)