Friday, June 5, 2009

Night-Night Time!

Danica likes to sleep. She most deffinitely is not a morning person, and needs to be woken up with the utmost care, and sometimes that doesn't even matter. If you can let her wake up on her own, that's the best way to go. It was also recently pointed out to me that I have a lot of pictures of my daughter falling asleep at any given moment or the odd positions. Let me demonstrate...

This is after throwing a temper tantrum and literally falling asleep in the same spot she had been standing, screaming, for the last half-hour or so. When there was silence, I went to check it out...

And this is from her baby-sitter. Reportedly, Danica came in from playing outside and practically collapsed, asleep before she hit the pillow. With her shoes on.

This is how I found her sleeping one morning...

Now those might not seem too strange... but let's take another look...

This is Danica asleep at a ballgame. It was School Day at the 'K'. The game was sold out, and was full of screaming children. Not to mention it was 90 degrees out, the sun was rediculously bright, and we were in the front row behind the dugout. So needless to say it was not the most comfortable place to nap. Did that stop her?

And most recently... my baby-sitter sent this to me. (I just love that Candice can email me pictures and updates while I'm at work!)

Admittedly, I too can also sleep just about anywhere. I used to joke that I could lay down right now where ever I was and be able to conk out. (And as tired as I feel lately I bet I still could!) As much as Danica looks and acts like her daddy, I guess we've finally found the one thing that she got from me.

Isn't it strange how genetics work?

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