Our first full night in Colorado, my girlfriends and I had a night out planned. All the husbands had the children, and the town was ours. It was going to be awesome. Amazing. We had grand plans in our minds... our previous girls' night had included things like crazy karaoke, free drinks, impromtu 'bachelorette' parties, thrown-out backs, and unintentionally picking up women.
The night started out great. We met up at the Rio for yummy Mexican food and even yummier margaritas.

(before leaving the Rio)
After we ate and each had consumed a couple beverages of choice, we went across the street to what used to be a really neat karaoke bar inside the Brunswick Zone. It turned out there had been a remodel, and it was now not nearly as hopping as we were hoping. Oh well, we thought, we can still have fun and liven the place up! So we each order a drink and sit down to chat. After about 5 minutes, I realized I had a horrible stomach ache. I actually couldn't drink my drink (it was only my third, so no, to answer your questions now, I was no where near intoxicated.). After just a couple of uncomforable minutes, I had to go to the bathroom and proceeded to get sick. I won't go into much detail, but it was not nearly the kind of entertainment I'd been hoping for.
I still don't know what came over me... was it the altitude? the food? something I'd eaten earlier in the day? Whatever it was, it came back with a vengence. I was the party pooper of the night, but I asked Tiffany to take me home. I was so bummed, but I did not want to have to wash my foot off in the sink again. (Once was enough, thank you.)
So yes, Diana, the initiator of Girls' Nights Out, the one who loves to sing Karaoke into the wee hours of the morn, was in bed clutching her stomach by 11:00 on a Saturday night, still wearing her cute jeans and earrings. *sigh* Geez I'm getting old.
At least the hubby was in charge of the kid for the night.
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