This morning it snowed. When I got up, it was a whopping 5 degrees above zero. (Better than yesterday, when it was 3 below.) The snow fell pretty hard for a while, and blew all over the place, but we only ended up with a couple inches of accumulation. Of course, that didn't stop people from driving like idiots who cannot find their gas pedal. I mean, I understand the need to slow down a bit, watch out on bridges and curves, things like that. But people here are scared to death to drive in any kind of weather! Maybe it's from living in Colorado and dealing with 2-3 foot snowfalls a couple times a year and driving like it was no big deal. But I grew up here, I learned to drive here, and I don't ever remember driving 35 miles an hour on the freeway when there are the lightest of flakes falling. (No exaggeration here.)
Anywho... since the snow stopped, it's gotten very sunny out and it looks so inviting, despit the fact that it's so cold out. Unfortunately from my cubicle (yes, I work in a cubicle) I cannot see out the windows.

There is however, a conference room across the hall from my cube-sweet-cube, from which I normally get a nice view of some downtown rooftops.
Today though, I have a strange yearning to do down there and turn doughnuts in the fresh snow on that rooftop parking lot. Anyone want to join me???

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