Monday, January 26, 2009

Where has the time gone?

I find myself thinking a lot lately. Even more than usual, and I can't seem to stop, and honestly I'm not so sure that I want to. It's making me appreciate things so much more. Maybe it's the fact that my daughter is almost two years old (TWO?!?!), or that in 3 days, I will have known my husband for exactly 11 years. (I know, it's crazy.) Whatever the reason, I feel so thankful for what I have. (Even if sometimes it doesn't seem like it.) Any yes, I feel old.

Yesterday Brian and I took the side rail off of Danica's crib. I was so excited, but so sad that she is actually in her 'big-girl bed' now. She slept there for her nap and all night last night. Both times when she woke up, she didn't even get out, she just called to us until I came in and told her she could get out. (But when she's playing she climbs in and out of it all the time.) I am waiting for the night she she starts wandering the house on her own, and now that she can finally reach the door handles, she will go where ever she pleases. I don't know what were we thinking. Maybe I should put the rail back up tonight afterall...

(1/23/09 in her crib with that cheesey grin)

(1/25/09 in her big-girl bed...)

On January 29th, 1998, I met Brian at the movie theatre in Liberty. (fka The 'Berty 8, now the 'Berty 12) He was there on a blind date with my best friend (set up by her sister and his stepbrother), and I was dating someone else at the time. I was 14 and he was 16. We hardly even spoke that night, I was hyper, giddy, and (probably) pretty obnoxious. He was shy and quiet. I am pretty sure the movie was 'Good Will Hunting'. And look where we are now. I feel so lucky that I love my husband, and that we keep growing together. :)

I think that part of what makes me feel so old is that all our younger siblings are grown now, and they are starting their own lives. My mind can hardly wrap around that concept, I still see them as cute, awkward kids. (I can only imagine how our parents feel now. Can I say Oy?) And I say 'our' siblings, because to us, Brian's are mine, and mine are his. We have known each other since they were in elementary school, and they seem to have stuck that way, permenantly imprinted in my mind as an 11 year old. Now Christina's daughter is turning a year old, Chandra just got married and had her son, Gary has three little girls now, and Clayton, Darren and Laura are all in serious relationships themselves, and Laura is now talking about marriage. I want to cry! I'm realistically only 25, and as long as the Fates allow I have a long time left ahead of me. But I can't stop thinking I'm a quarter-century old, a grown up, a real grown up who is married, a grown up who has a child, a grown up with a grown up job. What the heck happened???

I know... I'm rambling again... *sigh*

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